The editorial was written for the introduction of The Wine Hour #20 with Pepe Raventòs.
Shake the establishment, scream your differences, voice your heart.
Nobody will let you, because you are a threat to the established order, they will not let you have a seat at the table. They will not let your voice be heard.
Your voice, your words, your thoughts have power. They know it and it scares them. The establishment wants to protect whatever they have gained. Their raison d’etre is to perpetuate their position, it is not about voicing something different, it’s the status quo.
Changes in society have taken place because someone, somewhere believed, saw things differently and did not settle for the status quo. They thought the powers-that-be would see the same way as they do. And then it hit them. They don’t. Or at least they don’t want to. They got where they are because once they were the change makers, the rebels. Now with time, their vested interests have evolved, and it’s more important to protect these interests than advance society or new ideals.
If you long for a more humane society, for equality, for justice, for the protection of the environment, for the expression of your culture, for your identity, for a better a world, then there is no other ways than to express loudly and firmly your beliefs. Because you are not alone. There are many people, who can’t take on the fight for many reasons, but are waiting for someone to take the lead. You are not alone. Because people see the truth when exposed to it, they sense it, they feel it, and would do everything they can to support it. If you feel it is your role, then be that voice that so many long to hear.
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